Full-featured serial terminal for the Mac.If you prefer to use Minicom, you could still use the AppleScript to wrap it into a nice launchable app - use this older hint to find the right command line commands. If anyone can reply with a link to a tutorial on how to wrap an interactive Unix App in Cocoa, that would be the next step - it would be nice to do this without involving Terminal. If you fail to do this and exit a Terminal session, you'll leave the screen session alive and the serial resource unavailable until you kill the screen session manually. Serial - Modern Terminal for the Mac - Decisive Tactics, Inc. You may want to customize this slightly - you can change the screen colors or number of columns or rows.
Compile and save as an app from within Script Editor, and you have a double-clickable application to launch a serial Terminal session. Use screen, Terminal, and a little AppleScripting.